Why Choose Me?




National Champion Long Jumper

As a junior athlete, I won several national titles such as English Schools and England Athletics Championships.

I also competed for my country in the Long Jump, so I have experience of the physical, psychological and nutritional requirements to make it to the elite level in sport.

Unfortunately during my early twenties I accumulated recurring injuries that ultimately led me to re-focus my energy into my business, clients and family.

These days I train recreationally and keep my body in good shape.

Olympic weight lifting, functional resistance training, sprinting and plyometrics are still my favourite types of training.


BSc (Hons) Sport & Exercise Science

I studied Sport and Exercise Science at Loughborough University and utilised the best facilities, equipment and teaching.

I studied modules in Physiology, Psychology, Nutrition, Biomechanics, Motor Control, Teaching & Coaching, and Exercise in Special Populations (e.g. Spinal Cord Injury,  Amenorrheic Women and Children).

In addition to my Sport & Exercise Science Degree I also hold the following qualifications:

Level 4 Sports Massage Therapist

Level 3 Personal Trainer

Level 3 (GP) Exercise Referral Practitioner

Level 3 Pre & Post Natal Instructor

Level 3 Stone Massage Therapy

Level 2 Dry Cupping

Level 2 Gym Instructor

Level 2 Kettlebell Instructor

Level 2 Indoor Cycling Instructor

Level 2 Circuits Instructor

Advanced Apprenticeship in Sporting Excellence (AASE)

Emergency First Aid at Work

SMA Gold Member



Sports Massage Therapist for over 10 years

I first started practicing as a Sports Massage Therapist whilst at Loughborough university.

However, it wasn't until 2018 that I decided to launch my own full-time business in Sports Massage and Personal Training.

Since 2018, I have treated over 400 different clients with their own unique bodies, movement patterns and ailments.

I still find it fascinating that you can discover so much about someone's body by assessing their posture, analysing their movement patterns and, of course, palpation!

I've treated many specific injuries, as well as general aches and pains.

I've treated old and young (10-86), as well as active and inactive.

I've proven time after time that the benefits of Sports Massage Therapy can be experienced by almost anyone.

The most rewarding part of my job is knowing that I am making a difference to someone's ability to move and to give them much needed pain and tension relief.

To me, the process of rehabilitation with my clients is a journey that seeks to enhance their standard of living and empower them.


Personal Trainer with Specialist Qualifications

Since my early teens, I've always been interested in training, fitness and how to optimise the body.

Through athletics and my interest in resistance training I learnt from a young age how to put together a training program.

I also learnt how to be resilient, driven and 100% dedicated to the goals I wanted to achieve.

Over the years, I have learnt how to transfer these key skills to my clients, in order for them to reach their ambitions.

I always want to be the best possible Personal Trainer for my clients, therefore I am constantly looking for further qualifications, new methods of training and investing in the best equipment.

I have specialist Pre & Post Natal and Exercise Referral (GP) qualifications which enable me to understand and meet the unique needs of these particular populations.


Loving Husband and Father

I have recently become a father, so I can relate to the demands of parenthood.

Time management, motivation and most importantly SUPPORT, are key to still achieving your goals!

I would love to provide the help and support you need.

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