Massage Therapy


  • What is Sports Massage Therapy?

    - Sports massage therapy encompasses the scientific knowledge and manual therapy skills relating to specific soft tissues, their functions, the effects of manual therapy and exercise on normal, and damaged tissue.

  • What are the benefits of Sports Massage Therapy?

     - Improved blood flow to soft tissues and lymphatic drainage. 

    - Widening and dilation of blood vessels, enabling nutrients to flow more easily which enhances the body’s recovery process. 

    - Improved flexibility and elasticity. 

    - Break down of scar tissue. 

    - Tension and pain relief through removal of waste products and release of endorphins. 

    - Relaxation and anxiety reduction. 

    - Improved mobility and functionality.

  • How Often Should I Have a Sports Massage?

    - That depends on the individual and their current condition, how often and hard they train, and if there are any injuries that require more thorough and frequent treatment.

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