Without resting, complete 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 reps on the following five exercises:
1) Sumo Squats
2) Pop Squats
3) Kneel-to-Stand
4) Side Lunge
5) Reverse Lunge
NOTE: Side Lunge and Reverse Lunge is double as it's the reps for each leg.
E.g. Round 5 = 5 reps each leg, 10 reps total.
Once you've finished round 10 give yourself a pat on the back and a good stretch! 👏💪
Previous Workout of the Week:
1) Bodyweight Accumulator (Beginner/Intermediate) - https://youtu.be/TuZmw438FmQ
2) Dumbbell Combos (Advanced) - https://youtu.be/nfv08xZ0BD0
3) Kettlebell Blast (Intermediate) - https://youtu.be/XKSO0ZUQ9HQ